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School Meals

In response to parental feedback regarding school dinners, we are trialling an ordering system for pupils in Key Stage 2 from Monday 30th October 2017.
Children staying for school dinners at KS2 will choose from four options each day: Meaty main, Vegetarian Main, Jacket Potato or Baguette. They will be given a coloured wristband so kitchen staff know what they have ordered. These will be handed in after lunch each day.
The school dinner menu is available on the school website so parents can see the meaty main and vegetarian options available each day. Just click on the following link:
Children in FS2 and KS1 will be given red wristbands only to show that they are having a school dinner and will be given the usual choices at the counter. We may trial an ordering system for younger pupils in the future.
As always, we will be working closely with Chartwells to ensure they continue to provide healthy, nutritious meals for our pupils.