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E-Safety and Safeguarding

E-safety  is a priority at Redwood Primary School. The internet is not going to go away so teaching the children about how to use it safely and properly is a key responsibility for us.  It is therefore important that we work together as a school community to ensure that our children are kept safe.  As a starting point we have sourced the activities on this page for the children to learn about e-safety in a child-friendly way.  Please spend some time 'playing and learning' together.

Advice for children and parents!

The link to the UK Safer Internet Centre below will take you to lots of online activities and games for children aged 3 - 11.

What if I am worried about somebody on the internet?

If you are concerned about anybody that your child is talking to on line you can report them directly to the National Crime Agency using the CEOP button below.
