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Redwood ‘is a good school’ – Ofsted December 2017

You may be aware that Redwood was inspected by Ofsted on 12th and 13th December, 2017. I am extremely proud of the inspection report: it recognises the hard work of our pupils, staff, parents and governors since our last inspection, and particularly during the last two years, when the school has made enormous improvements, despite facing many challenges.

I would like to thank everyone involved for your contribution to making Redwood such a good school!


I would like to make particular mention of how grateful I am to Mrs Shepherd for her excellent work as Acting Head of School this academic year, and previously as Assistant Head. I am also grateful to Mrs Dingle, who has worked incredibly hard in her former role as Acting Headteacher, and her current role as Deputy Headteacher of Redwood.


Please rest assured that we are not complacent; we are already working on the areas for development that Ofsted identified, and will continue to improve what we do to ensure our pupils receive a great education.


The full report will be available online next Wednesday, 17th anuary, and we will place a link to it on our website.


There will be a copy of the report in the Newsletters section until the publication on the OFSTED website.


Yours sincerely

Jane Calladine

Executive Headteacher
