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Helping your child get ready for school

This page will give you lots of ideas of games and activities to do with your child to help them to get ready for school. 

If you would prefer paper copies of any of these leaflets, packs are available via the school office. Please phone the school and arrange to collect one.

Redwood Primary School School Readiness


Our top ten!





  • To sit still and listen to adults and children
  • To be able to go to the toilet by themselves and wash their hands afterwards
  • To be able to take off  and put on their coat and own shoes
  • To open and enjoy a book by themselves or with another person
  • To be able to hold a conversation with someone else.
  • To be able to recognise their name and have a try at writing some letters in it
  • To be able to sing a few familiar nursery rhymes
  • To take turns with other children when playing and join in with the play of others
  • To be confident to ask adults for help
  • To be able to count objects with care and use number names



