To accompany our phonics scheme, we provide phonetically decodable reading books from the Read Write Inc. scheme to consolidate the learnt sounds and develop reading fluency. Once children have developed their phonological awareness they then move on to colour banded books to further develop their fluency and comprehension skills. We ensure that children continue to develop these skills throughout school and therefore also provide age appropriate, decodable books for older readers.
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 participate in daily Guided Reading sessions. They enjoy practising and consolidating effective reading strategies, including decoding and fluency, using a text, which has been carefully chosen to suit their reading ability and to ensure that they are exposed to culturally and socially diverse books from a wide range of authors and genres. Each child will have a teacher-led session each week. After each teacher-led session, the children develop independent reading strategies through the use of VIPERS question stems.
VIPERS is a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Framework documents:
Reading 'VIPERS' are used throughout school as a guide for developing specific reading comprehension skills. VIPERS is an acronym for the six areas of reading which you can find out about in the attached documents.
We are excited to introduce our new Reading at Home incentive from March 2022...The Treasure Trove.
The Treasure Trove is a place for the children to visit at the end of each half term to reward their reading at home efforts. The children will receive Learning Loot based on the amount of times they have read at home over the half term. Your child’s diary must be signed by an adult to say they have read at home in order to receive their points. They will then be able to spend their Learning Loot at The Treasure Trove and choose some of the wonderful prizes 'loot' you can see below and more besides!
The children will receive:
1 piece of Learning Loot for 15 reads at home
2 pieces of Learning Loot for 20 reads at home
3 pieces of Learning Loot for 25 reads at home
There will also be bigger 'whole class' prizes!
We hope that this fantastic opportunity really motivates and encourages your child to read at home on a regular basis.
Happy Reading!
Reading for pleasure is a key focus at Redwood and we are passionate about children developing a love of reading. We provide a range of culturally and socially diverse books as well as ensuring there are designated times to enjoy reading, celebrating authors and holding regular reading events. We reward children for reading with their own book to take home and start the love of reading in Reception with Reading Pets, which are their very own cuddly toy animal to read to and our older 'Reading Buddies' share stories with the children in Reception weekly. All classrooms have a reading area and books shelves to allow children opportunity to relax whilst enjoying class books and all classes share stories daily.