E-safety is a priority at Redwood Primary School. The internet is an amazing place and a wonderful resource to use in all aspects of our lives. Learning how to stay safe while navigating and using this great place is very important too. Please use the links on the right of this page for lots of useful parent information and e-safety activities for children.
What should I do if I see something upsetting online?
Stop – If you see something you don’t like, then don’t click on it. If something appears during a video you are watching, close it.
Think – Remember, you are safe. Don't answer any messages that are upsetting. Only kind and sensible things should be shared online.
Share – TELL a trusted adult as soon as you can so that they can block and report anything upsetting.
Top Internet Manners - make the online world a kinder place to be
The link to the UK Safer Internet Centre below will take you to lots of online activities and games for children aged 3 - 11.
What if I am worried about somebody on the internet?
If you are concerned about anybody that your child is talking to on line you can report them directly to the National Crime Agency using the CEOP button below.